Hi I am Caitlin from Colorado! Thank you so much for taking the time to not only get to know me but for taking the time to invest in YOURSELF! I believe that is the first step to a completely different life. I found my passion for training 3 years ago. I specialize in Weight Loss, Hypertrophy Training and Athletic Performance and I have a background in Nutrition. I have been both a group trainer and a personal trainer. Before I started training I worked in college football for 5 years. I have been an athlete my whole life and love being able to get out and be active in the community. With that being said, I was not always in a healthy state. In college I didn’t just gain the “freshman 15.” I gained over 50lbs. I was sitting close to 200lbs and I found myself depressed. When I moved back home from college I made the decision that I was going to be and feel better. I was ready to take control of my own health and happiness. I got into fitness and dialed in on my diet. I am currently down over 75 pounds and I have put on 20lbs of lean muscle! Through this process I realized that, while my journey felt amazing, it was even more amazing to help others reach their goals! I can’t wait to walk along side you and encourage you through your own journey!! It’s time to get those FIRE RESULTS!!!